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Awesome Tanks

Rating Star4.7 / 5(378,126 投票)
Dec 15, 2023
Mar 16, 2017
Browser, Mobile



使用箭头键或 WASD 移动您的坦克。用鼠标瞄准你的坦克并开火。击败敌人的坦克,收集硬币,摧毁敌人的基地,以清除每个级别。明智地花钱,用更好的装甲、武器、能见度等来升级你的坦克。

如果您无法同时移动和射击,请尝试使用箭头键移动而不是 WASD,反之亦然。射击时移动是真棒坦克最重要的方面之一,所以你必须真正适应它。如果您在玩游戏时只是站着不动,我们保证您很快就会开始输球。你从一开始就人数众多,所以你必须比其他接近的坦克更聪明。

另一个提示 - 尝试快速提高你的能见度,这样你就可以从远处摧毁一些坦克刷怪笼。这将减少您必须处理的敌方坦克数量,甚至无需战斗。无论如何,可见性是更便宜的升级之一,因此您将能够在前几轮中最大化您的可见性。

What makes Awesome Tanks fun?

Awesome Tanks combines the fast-paced gameplay of skill games with the strategical components of idle games. Players must use their resources wisely, while also using their reflexes and coordination to get past all 15 levels of the game. 

One other thing that makes Awesome Tanks fun - you get to shoot rockets and blow up other tanks! Can you think of a more action-packed concept than tank-on-tank gameplay? 

How long does it take to beat Awesome Tanks?

While there are a handful of people who have beaten Awesome Tanks in under 10 minutes, a new player can probably beat Awesome Tanks in around an hour or less. There are only 15 levels and the stages aren’t extremely long, so Awesome Tanks isn’t a game that you’re going to be grinding away at for hours if you want to win.

What are some similar games to Awesome Tanks?

Well, first of all, players who like Awesome Tanks are extremely likely to enjoy Awesome Tanks 2. It is basically the same game with slight variations and more levels. 

Copter Royale is another game that players are likely to enjoy if they liked Awesome Tanks. The gameplay is very similar. Players are in a vehicle fighting against others, and they must constantly be on the move and shoot approaching enemies if they hope to survive. Instead of being a single-player game like Awesome Tanks though, Copter Royale is a multiplayer battle royale game - the last player standing wins. 

Diggy is another game that has similar elements to Awesome Tanks. Copter Royale had the fighting component of Awesome Tanks, but Diggy has the upgrading and the strategy components. In Diggy, players are trying to dig to the center of the Earth. A lofty goal, we know. However, players are able to dig up ores, earn coins, and use them to make upgrades to their energy levels and their drill in order to reach their goal. This has a surprisingly similar feeling to Awesome Tanks in the sense that players must spend the coins that they earned wisely in order to win the game. 

So what are you waiting for! Go get out there and roll over the competition.


0 XP
Rating Star4.7 / 5(378,126 投票)
Dec 15, 2023
Mar 16, 2017
Browser, Mobile



What makes Awesome Tanks fun?

Awesome Tanks combines the fast-paced gameplay of skill games with the strategical components of idle games. Players must use their resources wisely, while also using their reflexes and coordination to get past all 15 levels of the game. 

One other thing that makes Awesome Tanks fun - you get to shoot rockets and blow up other tanks! Can you think of a more action-packed concept than tank-on-tank gameplay? 

How long does it take to beat Awesome Tanks?

While there are a handful of people who have beaten Awesome Tanks in under 10 minutes, a new player can probably beat Awesome Tanks in around an hour or less. There are only 15 levels and the stages aren’t extremely long, so Awesome Tanks isn’t a game that you’re going to be grinding away at for hours if you want to win.

What are some similar games to Awesome Tanks?

Well, first of all, players who like Awesome Tanks are extremely likely to enjoy Awesome Tanks 2. It is basically the same game with slight variations and more levels. 

Copter Royale is another game that players are likely to enjoy if they liked Awesome Tanks. The gameplay is very similar. Players are in a vehicle fighting against others, and they must constantly be on the move and shoot approaching enemies if they hope to survive. Instead of being a single-player game like Awesome Tanks though, Copter Royale is a multiplayer battle royale game - the last player standing wins. 

Diggy is another game that has similar elements to Awesome Tanks. Copter Royale had the fighting component of Awesome Tanks, but Diggy has the upgrading and the strategy components. In Diggy, players are trying to dig to the center of the Earth. A lofty goal, we know. However, players are able to dig up ores, earn coins, and use them to make upgrades to their energy levels and their drill in order to reach their goal. This has a surprisingly similar feeling to Awesome Tanks in the sense that players must spend the coins that they earned wisely in order to win the game. 

So what are you waiting for! Go get out there and roll over the competition.

使用箭头键或 WASD 移动您的坦克。用鼠标瞄准你的坦克并开火。击败敌人的坦克,收集硬币,摧毁敌人的基地,以清除每个级别。明智地花钱,用更好的装甲、武器、能见度等来升级你的坦克。

如果您无法同时移动和射击,请尝试使用箭头键移动而不是 WASD,反之亦然。射击时移动是真棒坦克最重要的方面之一,所以你必须真正适应它。如果您在玩游戏时只是站着不动,我们保证您很快就会开始输球。你从一开始就人数众多,所以你必须比其他接近的坦克更聪明。

另一个提示 - 尝试快速提高你的能见度,这样你就可以从远处摧毁一些坦克刷怪笼。这将减少您必须处理的敌方坦克数量,甚至无需战斗。无论如何,可见性是更便宜的升级之一,因此您将能够在前几轮中最大化您的可见性。

4.7 Rating Star